Food Solutions

Our Natural Ingredients - Our Proces sed Vegetables 
Our fresh harvested vegetables are soon processed into natural, at zero residues, organic and baby food Ingredients.
We grow the best vegetable varieties in order to offer Ingredients rich in nutrients with high beneficial
properties for health. 
Innovative and traditional application fields in order
to create products with high added value. 
We provide innovative solutions to your product
and production needs in a completely natural way.

Vegetable Ingredients valid as natural Colouring

Consumers pay attention to the product label and the ingredients that make it up. They prefer short labels, with natural, clear and understandable ingredients. The use of artificial colourings has been studied by EFSA due to some undesirable effects on human health. In particular, colourants E104 (crinoline yellow), E110 (orange yellow) and E124 (cochineal red) are limited and must be declared on the labels. Natural semi-finished products such as powders, concentrated juices and purees obtained from selected vegetables represent a valid alternative to have a product with a "clean" label: they are legally considered ingredients and not colouring. They also have high levels of polyphenols, carotenoids and mineral salts with beneficial health effects. Concentrated juices, powders and purees are used as they are for baked goods, pastries, dairy products, beverages, and soft drinks. We supply these ingredientsalso to companies that process them to produce natural colourings and natural flavours.

Vegetable Ingredients with sweetener property for reduced sugar applications

Natural sweeteners are usually healthier than artificial ones; if obtained from vegetables, they are a low-calorie product, providing dietary fiber and mineral salts too. Vegetable purees are ideal for low-sugar applications and for foods rich in nutrients. There are many varieties of vegetables suitable to be processed into a puree including sugar beet, sweet potato, carrot, parsnip or pumpkin: we propose to use these natural puree as sweeteners to find an healthier way to sweeten cookies, cakes, and all of your traditional baked goods.

Ingredients for the "Gluten-Free" food

Celiac disease is a permanent gluten intolerance, a protein complex consisting of prolamin and glutamine, found in many cereals. In general, the safest and most acceptable foods are vegetables and fruit. In particular, all vegetables are naturally gluten-free. All the ingredients that Aureli obtains from the transformation of fresh harvested vegetables are therefore allowed in a gluten-free diet and particularly suitable for characterizing baked goods (bread, snacks, biscuits, cakes)pasta, ice cream, desserts , drinks, candies, in terms of colour, flavour and nutrients.

Ingredients as Nitrates Source for Meat Application 

Nitrates are naturally present in vegetables and leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, kale and celery have the highest concentrations. Aureli carefully selects the raw material to produce ingredients (juices, purees, concentrated juices, powders) to be supplied to companies producing semi-finished products that find application in the meat sector.

Ingredients for functional food and supplements

Aureli carefully selects the raw material to be transformed into semi-finished products intended for companies that produce functional foods, supplements in capsules, tablets or powder preparations, drops and syrups. All this kind of foods is intended to support a common diet by constituting a concentrated source of nutrients (polyphenols, carotenoids, mineral salts, fibres, betaine).

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