Agricultural farming methods consistent with Environment protection

The variety of our cultivations

The core of Aureli's production strategy has always been the reliable and guaranteed quality of the  product .... GO

Aureli Quality Program

It defines the health level of the crops excluding the use of pesticides substances not allowed by the .... GO


The "organization" of the Aureli farming, start from the first days of the year. In January the first Agriculture  .... GO

The VARIETY of our cultivations

The core of Aureli's production strategy has always been the reliable and guaranteed quality of the product for the consumer. This is why cultivation process is so important and considerable efforts have always been made in research, innovation and development of farming activity. 
Crops are grown in different areas of Italy depending on climate and soil composition, in order to maintain the typical organoleptic characteristics of the crop and the continuous availability of the product throughout the year. During the first months of the year crops, due to the cold winter temperature 
in the Fucino area, are made in the warmest Sicily or on the Roman coast. During the second part of the year crops is in the Fucino plateau where the fertile high-altitude land - about 650m above sea level - produces vegetables with interesting organoleptic value and particularly richness in taste. 
Fucino Plateau is one of the largest Europe’s area with the highest concentration of this vegetable and Aureli is a leading European company in the cultivation and processing of this crop. 
The varieties grown are different depending on the final application:
- Carrot for Fresh Market
- Carrot for Fresh Convenience (sticks, julienne, baby carrots)
- Carrot for NFC juices, Purees and Concentrate
- Carrot for Dehydrated

In order to optimize the cultivation operations avoiding the soil depletion, Aureli adopts the necessary and profitable long-range crop rotations, alternating to the main crop - carrot, potato, red beet- various typical cultivation of the Territory such as celery, courgette, fennel, spinach, lettuce and many others. All the various cultivation fields, despite their physical distance, undergo the same cultivation techniques regulated and controlled by a trusted team of agronomy experts. The whole Aureli production, despite the different geographical areas, is subjected to same control analyses in order to verify the compliance with
Aureli Quality Program 
for crops. Aureli adopts all operations which allow a better cultivation and a limited use of chemical defence and, at the same time, the essential preservation of the Environment.

Aureli Quality Program

1 - It defines the health level of the crops excluding the use of pesticides substances not allowed by the program itself.
2 - It prefers the use of organic fertilizers coming from the Aureli Bio-Mass plant with consequent reduction up to 70% of the use of chemical fertilizers.
3 - It carries out a continuous monitoring of the cultivations in order to control the growth stage and the phytosanitary state, making targeted interventions only if necessary with formulations with low environmental impact.
4 - It requires the systematic recording of every fertilizing and phytosanitary treatment carried out in order to guarantee the product’s traceability. 
5 - It Plans the collection of samples to be sent to specialized laboratories to search pesticide residues and / or pollutants from chemical or microbiological origin
6 - It Performs the collection of samples to evaluate the vegetative development and the nutritional and organoleptic qualities of the product.
7 - It carries out crop rotations that make the soil healthier by reducing the development of pathogenic organisms and weeds.
8 - It Performs soil analysis in order to verify both physical and mineral characteristics and the level of organic components.

The most frequently used agricultural techniques of farming defence are:

Guided battle cultivation  

It is focused on increasing the safety of the Soil before cultivation. The pesticide treatment with chemicals is carried out only if a real need is detected. 

Integrated battle cultivation

Aureli’s trend is to reduce all treatments just to necessary applying adequate planning of long- range crop rotation, as well as making use of natural fertilizers such as “digested” (obtained from Bio-Mass fermentation) and making further analysis of the Soil. Special attention is on the fertilizing operations, carried out by a planning focused on the real needs of the Soil, using only necessary and sufficient nutritional elements for the safe growth of the crop.

Cultivation with Zero Residue (NEWS)

Aureli, thanks to the practice of an effective guided and integrated farming and making use of digested coming from the Bio-Mass, is able to get a significant reduction - up to 70% - in the use of chemical fertilizers strengthening the Soil but also reducing chemical treatments in order to obtain an extremely natural and sustainable product with zero residues.

Organic Crop  

Organic cultivation is carried out through the implementation of a crop plan in strict compliance with Reg. CE 834/2007 and Reg. CE 889/2008 of the Europen Community Food Laws. Before harvesting Aureli carries out appropriate multiresidual analysis on the Field for each batch of product in order to release it and proceed with the harvesting.
Aureli make a management plan shared with the Organic Authority to guarantee product's conformity from the entry of the raw materials until its transformation. Furthermore, multiresidual analysis are made on the final product in order to allow its commercialisation.

Farming Organization

The "organization" of the Aureli farming, start from the first days of the year. In January the first Agriculture Plan is drawn up: the various plots of land are identified and in the meantime Aureli defines the crops that will be planted, the respective varieties, the cultivation techniques to follow and the essential rotations the be carried out. During the cultivation period it is necessary to plan three important operations:

Production batch identification: a code is assigned to each plot of Land (production batch). For each production batch a crop book is filled in and below information are regularly recorded on it: info and dates about seeding, irrigation, harvesting and all fertilization treatments carried out.

Product traceability: the batch code is shown on all shipping documents and on its labels ensuring the traceability.

Multiresidual analysis of the product: for each production batch aureli systematically collect samples in order to verify that the level of pesticide residues and pollutants does not exceed customer’s specification. The product is regularly and systematically traced "from the field to the fork" in order to be able to record raw material and the cultivation treatments performed on it.

Our crops are protected by the mountains of
Cultivation for 12 months a year!

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