R & D items

Research and Development

Research and Development Department (R&D)

The Research and Development department is directed by Walter Aureli. The team of graduates in Biological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Food Technology, Analytical Chemistry and Agronomy is made up of 15 staff units. The industrial and experimental research activity takes place along the entire production chain: from the field to the harvest, to packaging and conservation;  from the development of new agronomic practices and identification of new biological matrices to improve the resistance of plants to pathogenic and weed aggression to quality improvement; from the development of new technologies to optimize the transformation processes of raw materials for the production of juices, purées and dehydrated  for food application, to the enhancement of processing by-products;  from the concept of new products for a diet aimed at the most specific nutritional requirements for baby food, the elderly and sportsmen, to the application of analytical technologies for the complete definition of the nutrients of fresh and processed products. In this context, the R&D department pays particular attention to the circular economy activity for the reuse of processing by-products for the production of electrical and thermal energy through the biotechnological production of biogas, with the aim of achieving the maximum energy sustenance of the Company with lower CO2 emission in line according to  European Community recommendations. The Research and Development Department (R&D) of the Aureli Company cooperates with several Italian Universities. Since 2013 Aureli has an agreement with the Department of Environmental Biology, Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biology and Biotechnology C. Darwin of the University of Rome "La Sapienza”.

Pisum sativum L. ‘Eso’: Metabolic Profiling of Yellow Seeds to Define the Optimal Harvest Time
 Scientific article published
Published: 29 May 2024

The yellow pea (Pisum sativum L. ‘Eso’, sin. Lathyrus oleracaeus Lam.(YP)) is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the Fabaceae family. Peas, along with other legumes, are an excellent source of proteins and essential amino acids; the yellow variety is known for maintaining a good protein profile even if subjected to industrial processing. However, the presence of antinutrients, such as phytates and oligosaccharides, limits its consumption as a fresh legume to its use as a source of isolated proteins or for animal feed. The aim of the study is to evaluate the changes in the entire phytochemical profile of YP seeds as a function of the harvest time.....
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Dietary Nitrate Intake Is Positively Associated with Muscle Function in Men and Women Independent of Physical Activity Levels
 Scientific article published The Journal of Nutrition,
nxaa415 of 24 March 2021

Nitrate supplements can improve vascular and muscle function. Whether higher habitual dietary nitrate is associated with better muscle function remains underexplored.
The aim was to examine whether habitual dietary nitrate intake is associated with better muscle function in a prospective cohort of men and women, and whether the relation was dependent on levels of physical activity.
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Covid-19 Quarantine: Impact of Lifestyle Behaviors Changes on Endothelial Function and Possible
Protective Effect of Beetroot Juice
 Scientific article published in Frontiers in Nutrition
Article 582210 of 21 October 2020

The current recommendation for reducing person-to-person Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) transmission is social distancing, including remote work and school, and home confinement. However, confinement may cause negative feelings, such as frustration, anger, boredom, and stress, in quarantined people. Furthermore, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity behaviors are commonly linked to home confinement, leading to weight gain, metabolic disorders, smoking, and exacerbated alcohol consumption. As a result, these unhealthy behaviors are typically linked to vascular endothelium damage (endothelial dysfunction), which is a first step for the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD)....

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A diet rich in natural nitrates: the help to project yourself from today's attaks
Nitrates in Red Beetroot: why, how much and how to take them to obtain a healthy benefit.

The discovery that the nitrate contained in a vegetable food (inorganic) has important effects on the vascular system is quite recent. It comes from the knowledge of a process of formation of nitric oxide, the active molecule into blood vessels, through a nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide cycle (NO), which begins in the mouth, due to bacterium actions, and continues into the stomach and blood (into microvessels) in relation to the amount of blood oxygen [1]. Until a decade ago, in the West, the health effects of vegetable nitrates were not known; National and International Institutions in charge of food safety and consumer health were more focused on evaluating the risks of taking nitrates and nitrites as food additives, especially for preserved meats.

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Beetroot can help you protect
from today's attacks
Scientific bulletin from R&D Aureli Mario Company - Rich vegetable nitrate diet and Covid-19

Many pathological states of the cardiovascular system, including hypertension, atherosclerosis and ischemic diseases, are characterized by a decreased production or bioavailability of the nitric oxide.
In two latest scientific articles, it has been hypothesized that the increase in the availability of endothelial nitric oxide may have an effective role in antiviral resistance against COVID infection.
SARS-COV2 (COVID 19) infection causes a disease that begins in the respiratory tract but affects the endothelial cells of the whole body, specifically in cardio-metabolic and high blood pressure patients.
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